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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

2 years and counting.

Yesterday we celebrated our 2 year anniversary. We made reservations at Rodigio's Brazillian grill, which is one of our favorites, and literally ate until it hurt; and then we ate some more. The food there is amazing. One of their dishes was rattle snake sausage and roasted bufallo. The rattle snake was okay, and bufallo meat is really lean and chewy. The rest was really good!

After that we needed to walk around to digest all that meat (they have a salad bar but why waste space with salad)? So we went to gateway and walked around a bit. The day was pretty relaxed, especially since Lisa didn't get out of bed until well past noon which meant I was able to come home from school and get back in bed too. My wife is the best!

This Thursday is her b-day so we get to do something all over again. I just don't think my stomach can handle another massive meat feast. Maybe I'll take her to a nice soup, sandwich, and salad place. I know I'll take her to Olive Garden, she'd love that!=) Seriously though she would be one unhappy camper if I tried to take her there.

And last but not least spring break is coming up this week and we both have off at the same time. We are planning a trip to Zion's national park/Bryce Canyon for a few days. I just need to get rid of one more shift and we'll be ready to go. This trip couldn't have come at a better time, I'm getting pretty run down between school and work. We both need this little break.

Until next time.


Stacey Irwin said...

aww happy anniversary!!!! I love rodizeo grill! IT truly is fantastic!!!! Lisa's birthday is this thursday? good to know! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I wish we could escape to bryce canyoun with you guys! I haven't been there since forever! You guys deserve a break! make sure you take pictures when your there!

Amy Johnson said...

I can't believe you guys have been married for two years!! My little Bryce-y pooh is growing up!! (tear). Um....if you ever become a Dr remind me not to come to you...I saw your comment about hitting Jamesons arm on the table. Yes, I laughed! I miss your family a ton! Hope to keep in touch!

Amy Johnson said...

Oh and would you kindly tell your parents that they cannot move!!! That would just be weird! If they do move I might have to buy their house because I just can't imagine anyone else living in my home away from home!