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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Here's what's happening and what I'm thinking.

Yup folks it's that time again. Overpriced textbooks, late night study sessions, and the end of a summer that provided some relief from an otherwise hectic routine. To add to the fun, we are moving out the 31st and heading just up the road to our new apartment.

So like everyone else, we've been glued to the tv till the wee hours watching the olympics. After the girls gymnastics finished I realized something, China must think we're stupid. There is no way half of those girls are over the age of 14... tops, and for them to say "we have provided all of the proper government documents with the girls ages so there should be no questions" is just crazy. Well jeeze that makes me feel better, the Chinease govt. has given us their word that they are all of age. It's not like they would fake the documents in an attempt to win their prized gold medal, I mean, that would be like telling a little girl that she couldn't appear on tv during the opening ceremony because she wasn't pretty enough... oh wait. What really makes me laugh is that they've uncovered government sponsored, Chinease newspapers from a year ago that reported that these same athletes were 12-13 yrs old, ooops! They should be stripped of their medals for cheating.

On a completley different note, Hippies really piss me off! Hey hippie, get a job. I swear if I get one more hippie that asks me for money when I go downtown I'm going to flip. Make no mistake, they aren't homeless, nor do they claim to be, they are 20ish yr old hippies who just randomly ask you for money to buy cheeseburgers, and hemp based products and such. Then they get mad when you say no. Get a job Hippie!!! "No I can't do that because then I'l be contributing to the rise of evil, profit seeking coorporations"(an actual quote from a SLC hippie)

So Lisa has an admirer/stocker at work. He's some creepy hispanic guy who keeps bothering her. One night he kept asking her for a ride home over and over again. After she kept saying no he got in his OWN car and left. She talked to some managers and its suppose to be taken care of, otherwise I may need to take a trip to the OG and have a heart to heart with my hermano.

So in conclusion, school, moving, China cheats, hippies suck, and Lisa's creepy admirer.


Stacey Irwin said...

I'm lauging my butt of right now! seriously! So china embraces cheating eh? who knew? ( I was not glued to the tv during Olympics) Lay hippies do indeed suck. ANd definetly go have a heart to heart with Lisa's creepy.( I hate those creepy's. I had one at target!!!)
I'm so glad your back. good luck w/your move and school!

Hansen family said...

If a communist country rules they are now older...poof it is done. If it is written it is now so. I have not experienced these hippies although I have to agree corporations are evil, profit seeking leeches and I do not contributing to mine anymore either. Will you give ME money for a cheeseburger now? LOL. Take out the creepy man now!!!! Wish I lived closer to help with the move..:( Good luck! luv ya