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Friday, April 25, 2008

gotta love trunky teachers.

I caught some serious breaks this semester in regards to some of my finals. Coming into this week I was expecting to be crushed by the weight of finals only to find that I'm getting off easy. My Econ 2020 teacher is retiring after this semester and really stopped caring about the class. I was expecting another 120 question final on Tuesday but he replaced it with a course evalution form (at the end he let us give ourselves the grade we think we deserve in the class.)

Then my Bus Stats teacher decided not to do a comprehensive final and we just took a Chapter test. All that's left now is my Managerial Acct final Monday then it's Summer time!

Ok, so I have to tell you about our Sofa buying experience last Thursday. So Lisa and I decided it was time to get ride of our old sofa's and buy a new Couch/love seat. So we head off to the normal place's (RC Willey, Ashley's, etc) and see some things we like. Then Lisa remembers a furniture store in Sugar House that she passed by with a big "going out of business sign" in the window, everything 50% off. So we head out and as soon as we entered the store is when Penny, an overly zealous Mary Kay user, with a bright purple jogging suit pounced on us. She was a Nightmare! I haven't felt so hounded since... well actually since our trip to Zion so I guess not too long ago. It was "nag nag" this and "nag nag" that. And as far as this supposed "sale" everything seemed to be marked up 50% . We even checked out the "slightly used" level only to realize that by slighlty used they meant D.I. rejects. Then they had the nerve to charge $500 for a 30 year old couch I could pick up in an alley for free with probably half the stains. So thank you Penny, I still stink of your perfume.

Seriously though, what's wrong with people?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Do you wear Contacts?

Hey I just wanted to let you guys know that if you or others you know wear contacts I can guarentee to get them cheaper for you. Stacey was paying about $220 a year for her's and I could get them for her for about $130 when all is said and done. Just let me know and I'll look into it for you. (This is not a sales pitch, I get nothing for doing this. Just thought I could help some family and friends save some $)

Home Stretch

Both Lisa and I are approaching the end of the semester and we couldn't be happier. Between the two of us we have 7 finals coming up next week. I'm still debating whether or not I want to take some summer classes since I've been taking full course loads for 4 semesters straight. But summer classes are easier and they cut out alot of the busy work so I guess we'll see.

Are people as excited about the warm weather coming up as we are? Sunday we had our first warm spring day so we busted out the shorts and went to Sugar House park to get some R&R. Man am I white! I had no idea how white I was until I saw my bare skin in the sunlite.

We're terrible with b-days but I know that April is a big month for my family so Happy Birthday to everyone who has a B-day in April.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Mental Health Hotline.

Hello and welcome to our mental health hotline.

If you are obsessive compulsive press one, repeatedly.
If you are codependent have someone press two for you.
If you have multiple personalities press 3,4,5, and 6.
If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Please stay on the line and we will trace your call.
If you are delusional press seven and your call will be transferred to the mothership.
If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a small voice will tell you which number to press.
If you are depressive doesn’t matter which number you press no one will answer you.
If you are dyslexic, press 69696969.
If you have a nervous disorder please fidget with a dash key until you hear the beep. After the beep, please wait for the beep.
If you have short-term memory loss, please try your call again later.
If you have low self-esteem, please hang up, all of our operators are too busy to talk to you anyway.