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Monday, February 18, 2008

I've been Tagged

I’ve been tagged!
About My Husband Bryce. . .

What's Your Husbands Full name:
Jonathan Bryce Buys

How Long Have you been together:
It will be two years on March 10th. I can’t believe how fast time flies. I feel like we’ve been married longer.

How long did you guys date?
We dated for approximately one year.

How old is he:
He is 25

Who eats more?
Bryce eats ALOT more. Let’s just say sometimes what he eats in one day is what I eat in 3-4days.

Who said I love you first?
Bryce did…it was on Easter Sunday.

Who's taller?
Bryce is about a head taller. I love it cuz I can where very tall shoes.

Who's Smarter?
I would say he is but that depends on what subject area we’re talking about. I think he’s a smart alic most of the time and just makes me laugh.

Who does the Laundry:
I DO. Since we’ve been married he’s managed to do it a handful of times and successfully shrunken many shirts.

Who does the dishes?
Uugg. I do the dishes. When we got married he said there’s one thing I don’t do its dishes.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?:
Bryce is on the right and I’m on the left…but most of the time I like to sleep diagonally across the middle and hog all of the blankets. Bryce doesn’t sleep very well when I do this.

Who pays the bills?:
We both pay the bills. Automatic withdrawal is a beautiful thing.

Who Mows the lawn:
Neither of us. We live an apartment.

Who cooks dinner:?
We both cook. I try to make dinner a few times a week but I’m not the best cook. I feel bad for Bryce. I admit he is a better cook than me!

Who drives more when you are together:
Bryce does. He’s the man and wants to drive so I let him.

Who is more stubborn:
Hhmmm….probably me but we both have our moments.

Who kissed who first?:
Bryce kissed me first….within the first fifteen minutes of meeting me. I have to agree with Bryce, it’s much easier to get it over with.

Who asked out who first:?
We never asked each other out; We were never “officially” girl/boyfriend…we were just always together.

Who proposed ?
Bryce did.

Who has more siblings?
We have the same amount. Both of us have 2 sisters and 3 brothers.

Who wears the pants in the family?
We both put one leg in each pant leg and do it together.